Mushroom Therapy

As I build this farm from essentially the ground up, a lot of thoughts go through my mind. It is a lot of work. A lot of learning. Not just about the different elements that make up a mushroom farm, but also working on myself. Learning about what I am capable of. When the work feels as though it is ceaseless and only growing in degrees, I find myself asking ‘how badly do you want this?’ This is the question that always comes up, when some potential roadblock shows itself. We could have the best of intentions, but when it begins to get difficult, there is a moment when we could very easily take the exit ramp. But if we choose to take that out, then maybe this was the universe’s way of showing us that we didn’t really want it. ‘How badly do you want this?’ It feels good to pour myself into this venture, with nothing but the trust in the universe that it will all work out.


The Year of the Mushroom


From a Tiny Spore